Thursday, April 20, 2006

Real Police

What is "the real police?" Long ago when I came through the Chicago Police Academy, I was told by an instructor that I would soon be "the real police." I had been a suburban copper before, but that "didn't count."

So what is "the real police?" My suburban experiences sure didn't compare to the experiences I had working in a district. But I did realize some things didn't change. The law for instance. The laws we enforce are the same throughout the state (except for some city ordinances, but that's another discussion for another time) and the elements of an offense were the same.

Another thing that is the same is people. People are assholes, jagoffs, saints, sinners, victims, offenders, con artists, and just about anything the mind can imagine. The science of being the police is pretty much the same in the city as it is in the suburbs. Listen, look, PAY ATTENTION, and above all, don't assume anything.

Big city coppers experience things their suburban counterparts only dream of, but one thing is for certain: None of us walk on water. When you start to buy into that bullshit, then you're on your way to being a bigtime asshole. And as we all know, there is nothing worse than an asshole with some power.

Remember your brothers and sisters in blue, no matter what agency they work for. All of us, and I truly believe that, whether we're full time, part time, city, county, state or federal, all of us are "the real police."

Be safe


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